Why You Can't Motivate Others

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Do you know or work with someone who has ginormous potential but doesn't seem to do anything with it?  Does it seem you see more in them than they see in themselves? Does their potential causes you to keep trying to motivate them to get into action? 

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Unfortunately, you can't motivate anyone, they have to motivate themselves. Motivation implies action and they are the only one who can get themselves into action. Dragging someone along that isn't motivating themselves to "do the do" will only exhaust you because you are trying to change people for the better who don't want to make the change for themselves. 

This doesn't mean you can't do anything to help others see potential. What you can do is inspire them! If you have inspired someone you have, in some way, moved them mentally or emotionally, causing them to feel the urge or ability.  

Watch the video below to learn more:

Hope this helps you inspire those around you!

Old School Modern Mama,


Melanie Satterlee's Old School Modern Mama Blog

Facebook: facebook.com/oldschoolmodernmama



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