Great Customer Service | Bob Farrell's Four Keys

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If you are looking for a super old school, kinda corny, but surprisingly great training on customer service you can look no further than Bob Farrell's talk about giving away the pickle. Yup, you heard it right, the pickle! Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlour Restaurants were started by Bob Farrell, who is famous for giving his employees the "Give 'em the Pickle!" speech after receiving a letter from a disappointed customer who was all upset because he wanted a free pickle. 

Since business is not about what you sell but rather who you serve, the "pickle" is that extra thing you do to give your customers the treatment they deserve.  Maybe it's a hand written thank you, calling the customer by name, showing rather than telling, etc.

The "Give 'em the Pickle!" speech focuses on these four keys to great customer service:


Our main priority must be serving others and taking pride in service as a noble profession. 


How you think of your customers is how you will treat them and your attitude will dictate your interaction.

In Bob Farrell’s video he speaks about a waitress, Diana, who worked for him. She told him the people that come into his restaurant drive her nuts and he reminded her those same people go everywhere.

She rebutted saying, “No, they are different.”
Bob replied “No, you are different.”

In an effort to turn her attitude around Bob suggested Diana think/say to herself “I like you.”, prior to taking each customer’s orders.

At the end of her shift she walked up saying “Mr. Farrell, you gave me every good customer today, didn’t you?”
He replied “No, I did not.”  
She said “I tripled my tips.”
Bob said “Yes, and your attitude was great.”
Diana said “I have to admit it, it was better.”


There are no shortcuts to consistency. You have to set high standards and stick to them.  If your customers loved what they experienced the first time, they will come back and expect that same level of service each and every time.


A team is a group of people who go out of their way to make each other look good. Treat your internal team the same as your external customers.  

Geese that fly in a “V” Formation fly 71% further. The beauty is that geese in the way back hardly have to do any work. They essentially glide along on the work of those in the front. But when it's time, the time spent resting/gliding in the back gives them the ability to fly from all the way in the back to the front. In turn this allows the geese in the front the ability to fall back when needed. When working as a team, your team will pick you up and lead the way!

After watching the video and reading over my notes a few questions came to my mind that might help you as well. Here's a few questions to ask yourself to ensure your actions align with giving great customer service:
1. Is serving others your main priority?
2. What is your attitude about your customers?
3. What are you committing to doing over and over and over again?
4. How are you helping make your team look good in front of your customers?

....and most importantly... What's your pickle?

Old School Modern Mama,


Melanie Satterlee's Old School Modern Mama Blog




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