Advice for New Business Owners

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Inside of a Facebook group of over 60,000 women entrepreneurs someone posted the following question: What advice would you give to a new business owner?  While reading through the comments I saw that many of the comments with advice were popping up multiple times.  I gathered the top 10 pieces of advice, that were showing up multiple times in comments, and compiled the following list:

Advice for New Business Owners:

1.    It's a roller coaster ride! You may have ups and downs but stay with it.

2.    Consistency is key.

3.    MINDSET. Your mindset is everything when it comes to succeeding in business.

4.    Read leadership books to develop yourself.

5.    Don't give up when you get to the first road block.

6.    Get a coach/mentor

7.    Be Patient

8.    Don't compare your step 2 to someone's step 10 

9.    Know your VISION of where you are going. (Click here for help with creating a solid vision)

10.  Know your WHY

Click Here you want to learn more about Creating a Solid Vision or Click Here  for a worksheet that helps you create your own vision.

Old School Modern Mama,


Melanie Satterlee's Old School Modern Mama Blog




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