Low Oxalate | Boss Sauce Chicken

Boss Sauce Chicken

Earlier this year I became a part of a Monday Money Mastermind group. We are comprised of four business women in various industries.  I've learned, through this group, the importance if taking “inspired action”.  As a rule I've been a person who does the tasks that I “should be doing” rather than follow my heart and taking action on things that feel right in the moment.

A couple Sundays ago I had a to-do list to accomplish before Monday morning, including prepare for our Monday Money Mastermind. Late afternoon came, my boys were preoccupied, playing in the other room, and I decided to set my to-do list aside and create a new recipe for dinner.

I told Alexa to play some 90s country and I started hauling food out of the fridge.

It didn’t take long for it to happen, something that I felt years ago when I had a cookie company. I often baked late into the night. It was me, the kitchen, the sound of the mixers spinning, sound of the timer buzzing, and a yummy smell wafting into the air. The feeling is hard to put into words but it’s like the kitchen was a well oiled machine, time was warped, and I was in the zone. I got that same feeling that Sunday and even caught myself dancing around the kitchen.

Yes, dancing. I am not a dancer, at all. My husband and I even tried taking lessons years ago and it was painful. Let’s just say I have a hard time following and it’s just all bad.  The fact that I caught myself dancing, while cooking Sunday dinner, was a shocker but also proof that seizing the opportunity to take inspired action, over my to-do list, brought much joy to the moment.

Part way through cooking my husband walked into the kitchen, put his finger into the sauce and tasted it. All he said was “That sauce is boss.” then turned and walked out. I stopped and stared at his back, wondering if I’d actually heard him right. Never have I ever heard him call anything “boss”. I chuckled to myself and turned back to cooking my Boss Sauce Chicken.

I used Italian seasoning in this recipe because it packs a lot of flavor without having to pull out a variety of individual spices and herbs. I mixed with with olive oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes to give it a bit of a kick without having to use black pepper, which has a high oxalate content. 

Then I mixed the olive oil, red pepper flakes, Italian seasoning, and garlic into a paste. 

Spread it on both sides of the chicken breasts and set the chicken aside.

...added bacon to the pan.

While the bacon was cooking on the stove and the chicken was still sitting aside, becoming one with the paste, I chopped the red peppers and mushrooms.

When the bacon was done cooking, I pulled it out of the pan, drained the grease, added olive oil and butter to the pan and seared the chicken on both sides.


The chicken was covered and put in the oven to cook the rest of the way for 25 minutes.

The chicken was removed from the pan and set aside. Leaving the juice in the pan, I added the peppers and garlic, and cooked on medium-high heat for about 3 minutes.

The mushrooms were added to the pan and cooked until soft.

Insert bacon. Bacon makes everything better!

Then the cream was added. Note: Since there was a lot of juice left over in the pan from the chicken and the vegetables, I didn't add any liquid, besides the cream. If your pan appears to need more moisture, add 1/2 cup chicken broth.

Simmer for 2 minutes.

Add Parmesan.


Add chicken back to the pan and simmer another 2 minutes.

This recipe can be served on top of rice or pasta.  For the most part I try to avoid cooking with wheat because of it's high oxalate content.  Wheat is also typically fortified with Folic Acid, which we try to minimize to help support our MTHFR gene mutations. If you are following a low oxalate diet you could try it with white rice, as white rice is much lower in oxalates than brown rice.  It's shown here with pasta because I found that Barilla's Gluten Free Pasta is made with corn and rice.

You'll find the recipe below.

Happy Boss Sauce Chicken Cookin'!

print recipe
Boss Sauce Chicken
This chicken recipe can be made in an oven safe braiser or pan and served over rice or pasta. Note: For a low oxalate or wheat-free option, serve over white rice or corn/white rice pasta.
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 TBS + 1 TSP Minced Garlic
  • 1 TBS Italian Seasoning
  • 1/2 TSP Red Pepper Flakes
  • Pinch Salt
  • 16 Ounces Mushrooms
  • 2 Red Bell Pepper
  • 1 Cup Parmesan Cheese
  • 8 Slices Bacon
  • 1 Cup Cream
  • 1 TBS Butter
  • 4 Chicken Breasts
In a small bowl mix together 1 TBS Olive Oil, 1 TBS Minced Garlic, Italian Seasoning, Red Pepper Flakes, and Pinch of Salt. Coat both sides of chicken breasts. Set aside.Add Bacon to the braiser or pan and cook over medium heat. Remove cooked bacon from the pan and chop. Drain the bacon grease from pan.While bacon is cooking chop mushrooms and red peppers. Heat 1 TBS of Olive Oil and 1 TBS Butter in pan. Sear and brown chicken on both sides. Cover the pan and bake the rest of the way through in the oven for 25 minutes at 375 degrees. Remove pan from the oven. Remove chicken breasts from the pan and set aside. Leave the juice in the pan. Add the peppers and garlic, and cooked on medium-high heat for about 3 minutes. Stir in Mushrooms and cook until soft. Add and stir in Bacon. Slowly pour in the cream. Simmer for 2 minutes.Stir in parmesan.Add chicken breasts back to the pan and simmer for 2 minutes.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 4 Servings


Old School Modern Mama,


If you enjoyed this Boss Sauce Chicken recipe please comment and share! You may also enjoy Roasted Red Pepper Mississippi Roast.