The Seasons of Life | Jim Rohn

The Seasons of LIfe

On a Spring afternoon, driving through Middle of Nowhere Colorado, with my family quietly snoozing in seats beside me, I listened to Jim Rohn’s teachings of The Seasons of Life in Success Equations.  Jim shares that seasons inevitably come at you, in personal and professional life, and while you can’t change them, you can change the readiness in yourself.


The darkness of Winter always comes. Whether you have a booming business or a chronic medical condition, that’s under control, there will inevitably be a storm that comes crashing towards you, in waves, pushing you back.  To navigate these storms of Winter, you have to build a solid foundation, become wiser and better so you can overcome. Prepare yourself for the Winter and beware of the thief in your mind who's after your promise.

Example In Health: When you have chronic pain conditions, as with Vulvodynia or Pudendal Neuralgia, you can be going along just fine for months, even years but then suddenly you have a setback or a slow downward spiral. If you have gathered a solid foundation of tools, to get yourself back on track physically and emotionally, you will be able to ride out the dark winter. If not, your flareup will continue to spiral you back to a point where it’s hard to recover from.   

The key to winter is to prepare yourself with the tools to hang in there when the winter storms come crashing toward you.

Winter doesn’t last forever. If you are willing to weather the darkness of Winter, Spring will always come with opportunity for you to seize. Spring is the time to plant seeds even when there is no guarantee the seeds will grow. You have to at least take advantage of the opportunity to plant or you will never know if they will grow.  

Example in Business: When you are starting or growing a business your job is to share information about your product or service, “planting seeds”. There is no guarantee that every person you share the information with will need or want your product or service. Some will, but if you don’t at least take advantage of the opportunity to share the information you will never know.

In Spring there are no guarantees that your actions will bring results but if you don’t take advantage of the open window, it will close.  


Summer is a time to put everything you’ve got into nourishing your seeds like a mother while protecting and defending them like a father. Fertilize, feed, and give life to your new habits so they continue to develop. Pull out your weeds of bad habits. Most of all be patient; the results may not always show immediately.  

Example in Business: Plant seeds by being consistent in generously sharing information and following up. That way you are the person people think of when they do need what you have to offer. Take care of your current customer’s needs so they continue to see you, your products, and services as their solution as needs shift for them.

Example in Health: When you have worked towards good health you can’t just get to a good place and then just revert back to your old ways. You will spiral again. You must keep doing the activities that nourish, protect, and heal your body, preparing for the seasons to come.

Reaping a good harvest doesn’t come to those who hope. Or wish. Or cross their fingers and toes while blinking five times.  A good harvest comes to those who take the risk, do the work, and protect their progress. If you wish for anything on your quest to an abundant Fall Harvest, wish for more skill to carry you through Winter, Spring, and Summer, not less problems.

Be grateful for the adversity in your journey through The Seasons of Life, for it forces the human spirit to grow.

Hold on through the long Winters.

Leverage opportunities of Spring.

Nourish and protect your work through Summer.

Reap the harvest in Fall.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”
- Jim Rohn

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