Step Up

Step up and speak out (1).png

Since starting my, Old School Modern Mama blog and social media accounts, my intent has been to utilize those platforms as ways to share all that I have been learning. I by no means have it all figured out in life, in business, in relationships, or in health.  What I do have is the strong desire to help other women and moms who battle my same health conditions, or similar, feel less alone in their journey.

For years, many years, I never knew a single person who dealt with the same pain I do. Back when I started learning about Vulvodynia and Pudendal Neuralgia there weren’t private Facebook groups for people to connect. If there were, I had no clue they existed. The only time I was ever able to talk to anyone with my same health issues was one night when the PA at my gynecologist's office gathered a handful of us together in her waiting room after hours. That was only one time. After that night I went many more years before knowing anyone else with my same conditions. 

Since it’s such a private and silent condition it wasn’t until a few months ago, when I shared a video I found on Facebook about Vulvodynia, that I realized how many women within reach are affected. It became clear around that time that I have the ability to be a voice for women who don’t have access to the information that I do. I have resources at my fingertips and if I just force myself to push past my vulnerabilities I can make a positive impact on others’ lives.

For many years I only worked part time because I physically couldn’t sit at a desk for extended periods of time. I would often think that I would never be able to get ahead because my physical abilities would limit my potential. These limiting thoughts definitely didn’t diminish when becoming a mother.  

Once I headed down the path of entrepreneurship I realized there are so many ways for women to make an income and do so their own way. Many women simply have no idea of the possibilities out there nor do they realize they already have what it takes within them. They just need some inspiration and assurance. I can’t stand the thought of there being other competent, high functioning,and capable women thinking they will never be able to earn the income they deserve. But they absolutely can and they can do so by working for themselves.

My business allows me to work on my own terms and create an income I never believed was possible but that’s just one way. There are many women working for themselves in various capacities, business channels, and industries.  My goal is to provide mothers and gals intending to become mothers as many stories and tips from other entrepreneurial moms as I can. I want to show women that even if they have limiting conditions they can earn an income on their own terms, manage their health, and do so while raising a family.

I can’t do this alone. I need the help of other entrepreneurial moms in various industries and business channels willing to share their journey of business ownership. It doesn’t matter how successful you are or are not. That's just a matter of opinion. It doesn’t matter what stage of business you are in: planning, growing, etc. You may not think you have anything of value to share but what may be menial to you could be the piece of information that makes a path become clear for another.

If you are mom in business, willing to chat with me about your journey, or know someone who is please contact me at

Thank you!
