Facebook Live | How to Post and Save the Video to Re-Purpose

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Facebook Live videos are a convenient way to build relationships with friends and followers. They have gained popularity, get lots of interaction and visibility. We use them alllll the time in private team pages for training and communication with fellow team members. Often times the content in the videos can be reused again later. But to reuse the video we have to save it and i'll show you how to do that. 

You can record from a desktop computer or a mobile device. Since people tend to have their phones on them all the time it’s typically the most convenient way to record live videos. So i’m going to show you how to easily record a live video on an iPhone Facebook App and then save the video to your phone’s camera roll. That way you can reuse the video later if ya want.

Four Places Live Videos Can Be Recorded:
On Your Personal Profile
On Your Business or Fan Page
Inside a Facebook Group
On a Facebook Event Page

Live videos can be recorded vertically (how cellphones are typically held) or horizontally (landscape).  Either way works. Recording your Facebook live video horizontally will avoid you having black columns on either side of your video if you re-purpose your video to YouTube.

Example of Facebook Live Video Recorded Vertically Re-Purposed to YouTube:Ugly Black Bar - Pretty Gal - Ugly Black Bar

Example of Facebook Live Video Recorded Vertically Re-Purposed to YouTube:
Ugly Black Bar - Pretty Gal - Ugly Black Bar


Horizontal also gives space on the right and left if you want to add wording on top of your video.  

Though filming vertically still left room for visibility of all the toys scattered on our living room floor (on the left) there isn't much room for text overlays.

Though filming vertically still left room for visibility of all the toys scattered on our living room floor (on the left) there isn't much room for text overlays.

Recording horizontally allowed for text to be placed on the right and left side of the video.

Recording horizontally allowed for text to be placed on the right and left side of the video.

After you have decided whether you want to record vertically or horizontally click to write a new status. Then click on the Live Video Button.

Select the Live Video button.

Select the Live Video button.


Write a description about your video letting your audience know what you are chatting about so they will excitedly click to watch.

Let your audience know what your video is about.

Let your audience know what your video is about.


Click to Start Live Video.  Facebook will count down 3,2,1 and then you are live! As soon as you start streaming your video will start start building your audience and your video will show up in news feeds. The longer your broadcast the longer the video has time to show up for people as they are scrolling. As people are watching your video they can comment on the post (there is a slight delay) and you can talk to them, responding to their comments or questions.  They will show up in reverse chronological order (aka the new comments are on top).

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The whole time you are live you'll see a red live button on the screen. When you are finished chatting it up on Facebook just click the Finish button. Note: You aren't done yet! You still have to save the video to your camera roll and post the video. So, keep reading.

This was a tester video. You are looking at my ceiling. Your video will have your beautiful face.

This was a tester video. You are looking at my ceiling. Your video will have your beautiful face.


Now that you have ended your live video and screen will show up saying that your live video has ended. Before you do anything else click on the little download icon. That little icon is what will save your video to your camera roll. This step is uber important in quickly and easily saving your video for future use. 


Now you can post that baby! 


There you have it!
Now you can recorded a Facebook Live, saved the video for future use, and posted it for your Facebook audience to view.

Old School Modern Mama,


Melanie Satterlee's Old School Modern Mama Blog

Facebook: facebook.com/oldschoolmodernmama




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