Creating A Solid Vision

Creating A Solid Vision

Are you inconsistent in moving towards your goals and dreams? Are you lacking a solid plan to get there? If so, creating a solid vision may be your ticket.

Often in business people have their motivations and reasons for doing what they do. In our business it’s often referred to as our “Why”. However, just simply having a “why” isn’t always enough to keep people moving forward in the direction of your dreams.

The reality is that you’re likely "fine" where you are currently. Yes, it would be great to attain your goals and dreams but the fact that you are surviving in your current state allows you to make excuses or quit when the going gets tough.  Goals and routines alone aren’t enough either. Unless your vision of the end result evokes all your senses, to the point where you can nearly smell, hear, taste, feel, and see what it’s going to be like on the other side, it’s not going to be enough to keep you plowing forward.

Think about Athletes. They don’t go into a game or a race thinking about the possibility of losing. They are picturing themselves crossing that finish line with a bunch of slower people sucking wind behind them. They picture their competitors’ faces when they realize who won. They imagine the sounds of the crowd cheering them on and how that makes them feel. In their minds they have already won and can taste victory before they even begin. But leading up to that athletes have to determine who they have to BECOME in order to attain what they desire. They have to put a plan into place and condition their minds and bodies to become the best!

You might have some super stellar reasons for your goals but to get there you have to dig way deeper. You must have a crystal clear vision of how life is going to be once your vision becomes reality and determine who you have to become to get there. Otherwise, your life will default to someone else’s vision for you.  

As Nelson Mandela shared, "Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world."

Do you need help figuring out what actions you need to take and who you need to become, as a person, to make your vision a reality? 


To ensure you don't throw in the towel when the goin' gets tough, print the free Old School Modern Mama Creating a Solid Vision Worksheet.  

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To learn more about vision and the importance of Vision Boards click here.

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