old school modern mama

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Power of Masterminds | Guide to Creating Your Own

Back in 2010 I was in a local spa, sitting in a chair in the waiting area, and on the shelf was the book “Three Feet From Gold”. It caught my eye, so I read the back of it and bought the book on my way out the door. That book is a modern day view of Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” which puts heavy emphasis on the mastermind principle to help close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Essentially turning dreams into realities.  

Shortly after buying “Three Feet From Gold” I learned the author, Gred S. Reid, was coming to our town as a speaker at an event. I felt very called to attend the event so I invited a friend to come along.  Sitting in the audience, soaking everything up, I knew in my heart that night was going to impact my future.  

I came to the realization just how important personal development was going to be for my future success in life. That started me down the path of reading to learn and grow. But I quickly realized in order to implement what I was learning I needed to surround myself with other women who would help encourage growth.

Napoleon Hill wrote about the mastermind group principle as: “The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

Challenge You
Provide Accountability
Allow for Brainstorming
Provide Constructive Feedback
Offer Support
Bring Clarity
Increase Confidence
Increase Profit
Expand Skills
Help You Think BIGGER!!

Learning what the collaboration could provide, I called two of my friends who I knew were working towards big things in their careers and suggested we read “Think and Grow Rich” together and work through the workbook.

Every Wednesday night, we’d gather around my dining room table, to drink wine, discuss that week’s chapter and work through the workbook. We laughed, we cried, learned more about ourselves and most importantly we starting learning about the potential living inside each of us.

Establish our DESIRES
Have FAITH that desires can transpire and in yourself
Create HABITS of repetition to put dreams into realities
Build IMAGINATION through vision boards
Making the DECISION
Learn to use willpower and desire to be PERSISTENT
Leverage the MASTERMIND

We gained faith in ourselves to start our own businesses, grow personally to handle adversity in life, and take chances professionally.  Most importantly, those Wednesday evenings gave us the belief and support we needed to pursue things in life that we never knew was possible.

If you are looking for a way to exchange ideas, get support in various areas of your business and life, inspire yourself, recharge, stimulate your imagination and guide you a Mastermind could be your ticket to success.  

Below is a guide I created when I’ve facilitated Masterminds for my business partners.  


Mastermind will meet on the same day and time weekly.
Note: If your group lives in different areas you can leverage programs like freeconferencecall.com or  zoom.us (video conferencing)

The weekly meeting will be a total of one hour long as listed below:
15 Minutes - Each person will state their high and low from the previous week.
30 Minutes - Each week 1 person will be in the "Hot Seat" meaning they have 30 minutes to tap into the mastermind group for ideas and support.
15 Minutes - Wrap up with 1 high leverage activity for the group to focus on and be accountable for the following week

Members: Names
Meeting Time & Duration:
Meeting Location: ie Conference Platform (We use ZOOM) 

It is important to note, the mastermind is not just for advice, but it becomes a positive place where you can manifest your goals with a group. Every person makes it their intention to support the individual goals and help manifest them.

9:30  Welcome/Agenda
9:35  Sharing a 'win' from the previous week
9:50  Discuss Topic
10:20  State your goal for the next week
10:30  End & Make It Happen!

When you are using a book with your mastermind each member can pull a sentence/quote from the chapter you are discussing that really speaks to you. and share it with the group and share why/discuss (15 mins).  Then follow with going over the homework assignment and sharing your answers (30 mins). 

Here is a link to the Old School Modern Mama Reading List.  The list contains personal development books and books that can be used in a mastermind setting.

Hear The Mastermind Principle from Napoleon Hill:

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Old School Modern Mama,

Melanie Satterlee's Old School Modern Mama Blog

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